After using a trio of blackhole DNS servers on an Enterprise LAN, divided into three main subnets and having very little insight into what/who was querying what/where, we gave Pi-Hole a try. While it was originally, I think, developed for the Raspberry Pi running on a home network to block
Blocking Ads While Tethered
If you’ve ever used your cell phone to give your laptop an internet connection (a.k.a. tethering), then you know how valuable bandwidth is. Exceed that bandwidth and your facing additional charges for you cell phone plan. So how do you maximize your bandwidth? One of the simplest ways is to
Kibana in a Docker Container not Responding
I’ve been experimenting lately with the Elastic Stack, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, from Elastic, for a few weeks now. I ran into a problem with Kibana running away and becoming unresponsive, so I decided to give it a try running the three in Docker containers. If you’re following the official